Stuart W Wild & Co strata management prides itself in providing you with a professional, yet personal management of your building combined with a high level of customer focused service. It is our philosophy that transparency and accountability are paramount in the effective management of any strata scheme and that is exactly what Stuart W Wild & Co strives to deliver to our owners daily.

The purpose of this document is to assist you to lodge a formal complaint if you wish to do so and how and when we will respond to your complaint.


A person wishing to make a complaint may do so in writing to:

  • the staff member they were dealing with at the time, unless you are making a complaint about that person;
  • the Principal, or if the complaint is about:
    • a product or service delivered by our company; the complaint will normally be dealt with by the relevant strata manager;
    • a staff member, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the Principal;
    • the Principal, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the Principal of the company and the Assistant Principal of the company company.

Written complaints should be emailed to


Our Licensee in charge will be responsible for:

  1. Registering the complaint:
    • registering the complaint in your companies’ complaints register
    • informing the complainant that their complaint has been received and providing them with information about the process and time frame
  2. Investigating the complaint:
    • We will examine the complaint within 5 working days of the complaint being received
    • We will inform the complainant via email within 10 working days of the complaint being received of what is being done to investigate and resolve the complaint, and the expected time frame for resolution. As far as possible, complaints or appeals will be investigated and resolved within 20 working days of being received. If this time frame cannot be met, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why and of the alternative time frame for resolution.
  3. Resolving the complaint:
    • Deciding or referring to the appropriate people for a decision within 20 working days of the complaint being received
    • Informing the complainant of the outcome and any options for further action if required
  4. What if I am unhappy with the resolution?
    • If you are not happy with the outcomes of a complaint, you may be able to lodge a complaint with Strata Community Association (NSW) or Fair Trading, their office will determine if it has the power to investigate your complaint.

SCA (NSW) Code of Ethics (Constitution Rule 40)

To read the Code of Conduct, please click here

Strata Community Association (NSW) Professional Standards Scheme

Stuart W Wild & Co Pty Ltd is a proud member of SCA (NSW), the peak body for the strata sector in NSW representing 2,000 strata managers.

The NSW Government under the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation has approved a Professional Standards Scheme. This formal recognition by the NSW Government is first of its kind for the property services sector in Australia.

What does this mean for you?

At the forefront of this scheme is a further commitment to consumers to ensure high professional standards across the strata industry in NSW. This is in line with various other initiatives across NSW, including the NSW Government plan to rebuild the construction sector and restore confidence and professionalism.

The Professional Standards Scheme will bring to our clients a range of benefits, including:

    • The SCA (NSW) will oversee and self-regulate the conduct of all members within a structured professional framework.
    • In addition to our internal complaints handling process, the Professional Standards Scheme brings a further robust and independent complaints handling process, ensuring clients can be assured of an independent review and response.
    • An increase in Continual Professional Development (CPD) requirements for Strata Managers and Licensees in Charge, ensuring the industry remains up to date, educated and aware of their on-going responsibilities to the consumer.

At Stuart W Wild & Co Pty Ltd, we are committed to supporting the strata industry, contributing to the overall improvement, and providing an excellent customer experience. The introduction of the Professional Standards Scheme will assist us in meeting these goals for our clients.

If you have any questions regarding the Professional Standards Scheme, please contact or SCA (NSW) on 02 949 8200. Alternatively, further details are available at

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Our Main Services



    Office Address:

    Suite 2
    2 Moore Street,
    West Gosford NSW 2250
    P : (02) 4323 0458
    P : (02) 9981 2989
    F : (02) 4323 0458

    Mailing Address:

    PO Box 6276
    West Gosford NSW 2250